Cllr Joanne Share-Bernia and family organised a Summer Jazz event at her daughter's home in Chigwell on behalf of Buckhurst Hill Branch. We were honoured to have our very hard working MP Eleanor Laing attending the event.
The new Chairman of Epping Forest District Council, Cllr Elizabeth Webster visits the fantastic Summer arts exhibition at Bedford House in Buckhurst on the 26th June 2015.
New Chairman of Epping Forest District CouncilConservative Waltham Abbey Councillor Liz Webster was nominated as the new Chairman of Council. Liz Webster brings a highly distinguished record of service with Epping Forest District Council, Waltham Abbey Town Council, Essex County Council, the Lee Valley Regional Park Authority and other organisations. Liz is a prime example of Conservative working hard in Epping Forest.
In doing so Mrs Laing pledged her commitment to Holocaust Memorial Day and honouring those who were murdered during the Holocaust while also paying tribute to the extraordinary Holocaust survivors who work tirelessly to educate young people.
Raymond Warner, primary school chairman of governors, local activist, and a Vice President of Epping Forest Conservatives is presented with his British Empire Medal.
County Councillors Valerie Metcalfe & John Knapman have pursuaded Essex County Council to change the timings of the Part Night Lighting in local areas where there are underground stations.